During my time on the School Board, the performance of students and schools has increased, the budget is constantly balanced, school facilities and classrooms have been fixed and maintained, and schools are safe and clean.
My main accomplishments while on the Board are:
Schools earned some of the highest State test scores in the County
National Blue Ribbon and California Distinguished Recognized Schools
Increase in Counselors and Mental Health Staff
Established the East Whittier Arts Education Foundation promoting arts in schools
Middle School Laptop/Chromebook Take Home Program
Established the Parent Academy that supports student success
Passing of two school bonds to repair and upgrade schools
My entire career has been in education. I’m able to understand what students, teachers, and schools need because of my experience as a school Principal and administrator for the past 18 years and previous to that, as a classroom teacher.
Armando was also recently recognized by ACSA - Association of California School Administrators
as the 2017 "Principal of the Year" for Region XII.
My goals for the next four years are to focus on:
Continuing to raise test scores and student performance
Integrating more technology in all our schools
Continuing to provide secure and safe school campuses
Improving all school facilities by spending bond funds efficiently
Thank You and God Bless.